ALL1292-Z Second 6 Weeks Tuesdays 10:30-11:50 Start Date 24-Oct
Zoom Limit 20
Humor! – an instant vacation from life’s impositions that helps us step back from its ‘crazies’ to take a different view. This time, we will have fun exploring ways this invaluable attribute occurs in different personality styles, improves social and communication skills, plus cultural differences in humor. And who knows what else we’ll discover about how humor rescues us throughout our lives? Everyone is welcome to join, regardless of whether or not you have taken the first six-week course.
Text: Selected readings may be provided by the coordinator
Coordinator: Nina Greenwald
Nina Greenwald, Ph.D., is an educational psychologist, former director of The Graduate Program of Critical and Creative Thinking, UMass Boston. Specializations include creative thinking and creative problem solving, critical thinking, invention, humor and thinking, and educating gifted students. Author and consultant/trainer, Nina is elected to the Danforth Associates of New England, selected higher education faculty distinguished for excellence in teaching. She lives in Barnstable Village and coordinates many ALL courses.