ALL1420-Z 12 Weeks Tuesday 9:00-10:20 Start Date 28-Jan
Zoom Limit 20
The new administration has raised a question many of us never thought we’d be asking: Is our democracy in danger? The good news is: There are several exit ramps off the road to authoritarianism. Drawing from decades of research by Harvard Professors Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, we will learn how some democracies die, but others under similar circumstances survive and thrive. What was the difference? How were some countries able to keep their guardrails in place? We will delve into two books written by the researchers, How Democracies Die and Tyranny of the Minority and, through discussion, find out. Each week, we will read 30-40 pages. Five questions will be posted per week for class focus and discussion. Prior to the first class, please read the introduction to How Democracies Die, pages 1-10.
Coordinator: Susanne Adamson
Susanne holds an MD from University of Uppsala Medical School. She was a political science major, born and raised in Sweden. Having worked in the US for over 30 years as an OB/Gyn, she has remained keenly interested in political science, US history and race relations.