Beadweaving Sections A and B

Section A   ALL1380-C     First 6 Weeks     Tuesday 1:30-2:50     Start Date 10-Sep
Grossman 115     Limit 25

Section B    ALL1400-C     Second 6 Weeks      Tuesday 1:30-2:50       Start Date 22-Oct
Grossman 115     Limit 25

Beadweaving or “off-loom” beading is creating beaded objects with needle and thread and relatively small beads.  This course will explore Peyote and Herringbone shapes. Some bead experience is preferred. Class will be personalized to the group’s interests with weekly presentations, followed by hands-on instruction with plenty of student interaction. A materials list will be provided before the first class.

Coordinator: Kathleen Taylor
Kathy is a lifelong artisan with degrees in art and education and currently runs a bead shop, Not Just Beads, in West Dennis. She is a member of the Cape Cod Bead Society.