
An Anthology


In 2000, the year the world moved into the twenty-first century, the Academy of Lifelong Learning published a compilation of writings and art of the membership in its first edition titled Senior Reflections, later shortened  to Reflections.

What was the impetus for bringing together the imaginative expression of ALL members?  That is a question left to the creative mind. In each edition since 2000, the following is shared about Reflections.


“This collection showcases individual pieces of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography and art reflecting memories, insights, humor, and philosophy gathered from the lifelong experiences of its generous contributors.”


Lifelong experience.  The members of the Academy of Lifelong Learning are an accomplished group of individuals who have distinguished themselves in the world of business, academia, arts and science, the military, and so many other fields during a lifetime.  All of us have something to share that peers and the community would benefit in reading and viewing.

Reflections offers all those who dare to express themselves the place to share your thoughts, your perspectives.  A reflection of who you are at this point in your life.

Read past issues, clear your day for a moment to write, take a photo, whatever and then dare to submit your work for the upcoming edition.  You have something to share.



Submissions Closed For

Reflections 2025


Orders for Reflections 2024

Click here for order form


The 2025 Reflections Team

Barbara Berelowitz
DJ Foley
Mary Ann Donovan
Mary Nyman
Dianne Tattersall

Maggie French