An Introduction to the Investment World

ALL1424-C     Second 6 Weeks     Wednesday 1:30-2:50     Start Date 19-Mar
Grossman 115        Limit 20

In this course, we will discuss developing financial goals based on unique situations, such as general sources of income, family situations, current expenses, and planning for the future. We will cover various investment products, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, collectibles, and less liquid assets. We’ll discuss our options and how to access them; our risk tolerance as we age; and consider other factors, such as health concerns. This is an information only course!  Contact your financial planner, attorney, or accountant for legal investment advice. The coordinator will provide handouts and online articles you can access each week – and looks forward to open discussion and active participation in class!

Coordinator: Frederick Rice 
Fred has a BA in Economics from American University and an MBA from Rutgers. He has taught courses at Ramapo State College, Fairleigh Dickinson, and Bridgewater State University as an adjunct faculty. He has owned his own business as well as held senior positions at several banks.