ALL1306-Z First 6 Weeks Mondays 9:00-10:20 Start Date 27-Jan
Zoom Limit 25
Great Decisions is a world affairs discussion program designed by the Foreign Policy Association ( Each year, the the FPA chooses eight topics to discuss, and produces print and video materials to provide the background for these discussions. Topics for 2025 are: American Foreign Policy at a Crossroads; US Changing Leadership of the World Economy; US-China Relations; India: Between China, the West, and the Global South; International Cooperation on Climate Change; The Future of NATO and European Security; AI and American National Security; and American Foreign Policy in the Middle East: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead. This will be a discussion class. Participants are invited to share insights, additional readings, knowledge and opinions on each of the topics discussed. We will begin each class by viewing an informational video. Text for the course is the Great Decisions 2025 Briefing Book, which can be ordered from for $35.00. For the first class, please read the first chapter, American Foreign Policy at a Crossroads.
Coordinator: Bill Gentes 
Bill is a retired financial executive with a background in finance and global supply chain management. He has also participated in and co-led several Great Decisions classes.

Bill is a retired financial executive with a background in finance and global supply chain management. He has also participated in and co-led several Great Decisions classes.