Learning to Fish Cape Cod Bay and Beaches

ALL1305-C      Second 6 Weeks     Thursday 3:00pm-4:20pm        Start Date 20-Mar
Grossman 106         Limit 25

Recent surveys have shown that more people fish worldwide than those who play golf and tennis combined. Women now represent the largest growth segment in recreational fishing. What better way to further embrace this beautiful place we live by getting on the water or walking the beaches, meeting new friends and catching dinner? Whether you are a beginner or seasoned beach or boat angler, this course will provide the fishing basics, affordable techniques and skills to participate in this great pastime. Learning where, when and how to fish can be as much about the adventure as it is about the fish. This includes understanding fishing gear types, best fishing times, tides, baits/lures and locations throughout the season. Course material and discussions will focus on the combined experience base of the participants to ensure course objectives are met for all. Some of the Cape’s best captains will also join in sharing their expertise in fly fishing, surf/beach fishing and tuna fishing.

Coordinator:  Steve Leary   
Steve is a licensed US Coast Guard Charter Boat Captain and owner of Wingman Sportfishing Charters operating out of Barnstable Harbor. He has fished Cape Cod waters for over 30 years and has authored a number of articles for My Fishing Cape Cod. He gives seminars on Fishing Cape Cod Bay at the New England Boat Shows.